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If running Energy Ball, the best way to exploit the surprise factor is is to pivot or switch out first when up against targets for Energy Ball, using it the next time Jirachi is in against its target to catch the opponent off guard. Alternatively, Jirachi can pivot out with U-turn against Pokemon like Poilitoed or Tentacruel to get one of its teammates in safely.

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Leftovers is an option to let Jirachi more reliably check Psychic- and Dragon-types beyond the early-game.Īlthough it is a good idea to preserve Jirachi’s health against teams with many Psychic- and Dragon-types if running Iron Head, you can usually sack it as a lead early on against hyper offense or rain teams with Stealth Rock as your opening move, while Icy Wind can be used instead against Pokemon like Thundurus-T. An alternative spread of 252 HP / 160 SpA / 96 Spe can be used to outspeed Adamant Mamoswine, with a Modest nature if running Energy Ball or a Mild nature if running Iron Head. 26 Speed IVs with a Sassy nature let Jirachi underspeed standard Rotom-W for a slow U-turn, more safely bringing in eammates while still outspeeding non-Choice Scarf Landorus-T after an Icy Wind Speed drop. 40 Defense EVs let it survive an Earthquake from neutral natured Landorus-T.

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Shuca Berry lets Jirachi safely set up Stealth Rock against Ground-types and, as a result, against almost every Pokemon if it's at full health. Iron Head is an option to use Jirachi's paraflinching ability and does more damage to Tyranitar, Reuniclus, and specially defensive Breloom than the rest of the moves on this set. U-turn lets Jirachi escape Magnezone and pivot around Psychic-types. Energy Ball can be used to destroy Gastrodon, Seismitoad, Rotom-W, and Mamoswine. Thunder is better than Thunderbolt due to its higher paralysis rate and higher power letting Jirachi pressure rain Pokemon like Politoed and Tentacruel and OHKO Xatu. Thanks to the Speed drop, Icy Wind can 2HKO Landorus-T and Gliscor after Jirachi stomachs an Earthquake, as well as keeping setup sweepers like Dragon Dance Dragonite in check. Thunder and Icy Wind give Jirachi almost perfect neutral coverage.

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Jirachi is a great Stealth Rock user, being almost impossible to OHKO thanks to its numerous resistances and Shuca Berry. It can also get by many of the Pokemon it's tasked to check, mainly the Psychic-types, which are often paired together, making its job harder. However, it's weak to Fire- and Ground-type attacks, which are very common, and has an extreme vulnerability to Spikes from Pokemon like Ferrothorn due to lacking instant recovery. With its devastating paraflinch strategy using Iron Head and Thunder or Body Slam in tandem with Serene Grace, Jirachi can tear apart even the most threatening Pokemon. Jirachi is a great check to numerous common threats, including prominent Psychic-types like Alakazam, Latios, and Reuniclus and Dragon-types like Dragonite and Kyurem-B. It can run a variety of sets, from a utility set to a Choice Scarf set. Jirachi's great defensive typing, good base stats, metric ton of team support, and resistance to Stealth Rock all make it a valid choice for a large variety of teams.

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